We’ve all seen the TV ads: A long line of smiling personal injury lawyers. Centermost is the handsome silver-haired spokesman, who’s also on the firm’s website. “WE work for you! You don’t pay unless WE win!” (as if litigation is some kind of contest). WE, of course, implies this man is one of the firm’s lawyers. Never assume. He is paid actor, John Fraser. You may remember him from Good Will Hunting, J.P. Wiser’s Whiskey or Tylenol commercials. This heavily-advertised injury law firm is, in fact, based in Toronto. It has at least 21 locations across Canada, kind of like a franchise.

Canadian Law Societies have rules governing legal advertising. We cannot be inaccurate, misleading or deceptive, and our ads must be “consistent with a high standard of professionalism.” lawyer advertising, good lawyers, lawyer reputationLawyers must also adhere to strict codes of conduct and ethical responsibility. When these lines are crossed, it threatens the good reputation of all lawyers. Do your research before you hire a lawyer and don’t be fooled by flashy advertising. It’s important you find a lawyer you can trust. At Einfeld Law, we speak loudly on behalf of our clients. We don’t need to hire an actor to speak for us.

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