Did you know that as of September, anyone who drives our vehicle must be listed under our ICBC policy? If they’re not, we must have “unlisted driver protection” coverage (a $50 yearly hit). If that driver has a learner’s “L”, the cost hikes up to a whopping $130 to $230. So if we’re a responsible drinker in need of a designated driver, or we want to do someone a favour by lending our keys, we’d better make darn sure that driver’s either listed on our policy, or we have this ICBC driver protection coverage. BC drivers pay the highest premiums in all of Canada, yet ICBC’s cost hikes and extra fees just keep coming. By the way, ICBC, who sets the rules, says an “L” driver can’t be at the wheel unless one of the passengers is sober. This reduces our designated driver options even more. ICBC is killing us, in more ways than our wallets.

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